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使用“head”作关键词的所有原创诗歌 - 第 1 页

共 9 首 • 页: 1/1 • 1  
#16483 著名江南浪漫主义诗人 稚良 于 2006-10-21 18:58 写诗一首:
you you you

All moments wasted is past.
I hope from this moment,
With your rose on my index finger,
Moving here, there while I love,
Can let my fingers fly
Let my head rest
Let my mind think of 3 things:

#19552 著名江南下半身写作诗人 小甜甜 于 2006-10-29 01:26 写诗一首:
you you you

All moments wasted is past.
I hope from this moment,
With your flower on my index finger,
Moving carefully, crying while I jump,
Can let my fingers fly
Let my head rest
Let my mind think of 3 things:

#28100 著名江南美男诗人 江湖 于 2006-11-21 15:34 写诗一首:
you you you

All moments wasted is past.
I hope from this moment,
With your soul on my index finger,
Moving up and down, sweet while I feel,
Can let my fingers fly
Let my head rest
Let my mind think of 3 things:
you and me
you and me
you and me

#29236 著名江南儿童诗人 紫∮凌 于 2006-11-26 08:28 写诗一首:
you you you

All moments wasted is past.
I hope from this moment,
With your guitor on my index finger,
Moving up and down, up while I run,
Can let my fingers fly
Let my head rest
Let my mind think of 3 things:

#38710 著名江南僵尸诗人 僵尸某女子 于 2007-02-09 15:01 写诗一首:
you you you

All moments wasted is past.
I hope from this moment,
With your the boy on my index finger,
Moving bad, good while I run,
Can let my fingers fly
Let my head rest
Let my mind think of 3 things:

#40091 著名江南山水田园诗人 ☆猎户星一号☆ 于 2007-02-12 11:11 写诗一首:
you you you

All moments wasted is past.
I hope from this moment,
With your shit on my index finger,
Moving go and die, come and die while I die,
Can let my fingers fly
Let my head rest
Let my mind think of 3 things:

#58453 著名江南浪漫主义诗人 棉花糖 于 2007-08-16 13:45 写诗一首:
you you you

All moments wasted is past.
I hope from this moment,
With your flower on my index finger,
Moving heavily, honestly while I run,
Can let my fingers fly
Let my head rest
Let my mind think of 3 things:

#59115 著名江南后现代超现实主义诗人 ★太空飞鸽★ 于 2007-08-23 09:38 写诗一首:
you you you

All moments wasted is past.
I hope from this moment,
With your cake on my index finger,
Moving carefully, carelessly while I eat,
Can let my fingers fly
Let my head rest
Let my mind think of 3 things:

#70770 著名江南装B诗人 王昊 于 2008-05-12 17:10 写诗一首:
you you you

All moments wasted is past.
I hope from this moment,
With your game on my index finger,
Moving up, of while I play,
Can let my fingers fly
Let my head rest
Let my mind think of 3 things:

共 9 首 • 页: 1/1 • 1