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Archaea: My love

  诗歌作者: 著名江南级婉约诗人 Archaea
  创作时间: 2007-06-13 16:14
  创作类型: 自由创作, 没有使用自动写诗机.
  引用地址: http://www.dopoem.com/u/Archaea/show-52197.html

《My love》

Everyday, as I wake up
I will think of you
What a beautiful life I have
Precious and unique
You are the star in my life
Light up all the darkness in the universe
Give me courage and strength to go on
Make my life so much more passionate
You are breeze of spring
Eternal flame of true love
No matter what is going to happen
No matter what is going on around the world
I will never give up our love
For any reason, for anything......

鲜花: 9 朵
狗屎: 8 砣
绝世好诗啊! 眼泪花花的, 啥也不说了, 送支鲜花吧!
这诗写得真臭, 臭不可闻, 惨绝人寰, 别拦我! 我要扔砣狗屎!


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