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诗人专栏: Archaea > 诗歌集 > Fissure

Archaea: Fissure

  诗歌作者: 著名江南级婉约诗人 Archaea
  创作时间: 2007-06-13 16:20
  创作类型: 自由创作, 没有使用自动写诗机.
  引用地址: http://www.dopoem.com/u/Archaea/show-52198.html


Like something unconnected,
then fissure exists.

Dust and dirt drop in,
then difference raises.

Life is so boring to me,
and she kills anything that can save me.

I lose more independence,
like a bird in a cage.

I am desiring for a piece of my own blue sky!

鲜花: 10 朵
狗屎: 9 砣
绝世好诗啊! 眼泪花花的, 啥也不说了, 送支鲜花吧!
这诗写得真臭, 臭不可闻, 惨绝人寰, 别拦我! 我要扔砣狗屎!


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